Web application for automatically downloading TV & Movies (w/ VPN)
If you’re interested in developing, contributing or simply want to run nefarious without docker then follow these instructions.
nefarious is built on:
Note: Review the Dockerfile for all the necessary development dependencies.
This assumes you’re either installing these packages in your global python environment (in which case you probably need to use sudo
) or, even better, install a virtual environment first.
pip install -r src/requirements.txt
python src/manage.py migrate
This creates a default user and pass (admin/admin).
python src/manage.py nefarious-init admin admin@localhost admin
First install the frontend dependencies:
npm --prefix src/frontend install
Then build the frontend html/css stuff (angular):
npm --prefix src/frontend run build
Note: run npm --prefix src/frontend run watch
to automatically rebuild while you’re developing the frontend stuff.
This method is the default Django development server but doesn’t support websockets.
DEBUG=1 python src/manage.py runserver 8000
It’ll be now running at
This method runs the production server (with hot reload) and supports websockets.
Collect all the static assets:
python src/manage.py collectstatic --noinput
Run the server:
uvicorn nefarious.asgi:application --reload
It’ll be now running at
Celery is a task queue and is used by nefarious to queue downloads, monitor for things, etc.
Run the celery server:
cd src
DEBUG=1 celery -A nefarious worker --loglevel=INFO
You’ll see all download logs/activity come out of here.
NOTE: Prefix WEBSOCKET_HOST=ws://localhost:8000/ws
if you’re using the websocket version of the server so the celery tasks can send websocket messages.
NOTE: By prefixing DEBUG=1
before the celery command, all torrents will start as paused to avoid downloading anything.
Jackett, Redis and Transmission are expected to be running somewhere.
You can download and run them manually, or, for simplicity, I’d just run them via docker using the docker-compose.yml
Run redis, jackett and transmission from the docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d redis jackett transmission